
Failure analysis and treatment of electronic throttle element of electronic expansion valve

时间:2023-01-03 16:43:05

来源:本站作者:超级管理员点击: 777

Failure analysis and treatment of electronic throttle element of electronic expansion valve:

Open the shell of the electronic throttle element, switch on the power supply of the device, and hold the coil of the electronic expansion valve by hand to check whether there is any action and whether the coil has working instructions. If there is no action, check the following steps:

1. Check whether the coil body of the electronic expansion valve is broken. If so, reconnect the wire.

2. Check whether the electronic expansion valve coil is loosely connected to the mainboard connector. If yes, reinsert it.

3. Check whether there is a fault alarm on the main board and exclude other factors.

4, check whether the motherboard output voltage is normal DC 12V.

5. Measure whether the electronic expansion valve coil resistance is normal. If abnormal, replace the coil.


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